barebones computer造句


  1. A barebones computer is a variation on the kit concept.
  2. The ASRock M8 is a Mini-ITX barebones computer kit that was created in collaboration with BMW Designworks.
  3. They're almost always on the CPU / SOC . And yes most barebones computers will come with IGPs although you should always check the specs of exactly what you're getting . talk ) 04 : 40, 31 May 2016 ( UTC)
  4. Because many home computer builders are gamers, for example, and because gamers are often young people, barebones computers marketed as " gaming systems " often include features such as neon lights and brightly coloured cases, as well as features more directly related to performance such as a fast processor, a generous amount of RAM, and a powerful video card.
  5. It's difficult to find barebones computer in a sentence. 用barebones computer造句挺难的


  1. "barebone"造句
  2. "barebone computer"造句
  3. "barebone system"造句
  4. "bareboned"造句
  5. "barebones"造句
  6. "barebones parliament"造句
  7. "barebones productions"造句
  8. "barebow"造句
  9. "barebows"造句
  10. "barech"造句

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